Getting started video guide

Log in with ssh

# Connect to saga
$ ssh <username>
# If asked to verify that you are connecting to the correct system
: yes
# Enter password when prompted
: password
# You are now connected! To clear screan:
$ clear

# To log into another system:
$ ssh <username>@<system>
# Fram:
$ ssh <username>


Fingerprints can be checked in our documentation

Copy ssh key to saga

# Create key (-C and the comment can be obmitted)
$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C comment_of_your_choosing
# Press enter until generation is done, accepting all the default options

# Copy key to saga on windows:
$ scp .ssh\ <username>
# If you are using linux or mac:
$ scp .ssh/ <username>

# SSH to saga
$ ssh <username>

# Create .ssh folder and set correct permissions
$ mkdir .ssh
$ chmod 2700 .ssh

# move key and set correct permissions
$ mv .ssh/authorized_keys
$ chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys

# You are now done! Verify by logging out and back in again
$ exit
$ ssh <username>

# If you did not get a prompt about password, then everything is set up correctly